the regie came the morning we left and ok'd the place, we rushed for the airport to make the earlier flight. Gizmo, whacked out on kitty drugs, bit me hard enough to make me bleed in the taxi, the turbulence between Geneva and Zurich was terrifying. The pilot missed our landing and your humble narrator almost became a runway pancake. Shudder. Then we had to do it all again to Chicago, another harrowing tale. Suffice it to say, we made it home in one battered but sound piece.
After a short respite at home, I packed my newly purchased old car and headed off to make my fortune...wait wait...no, face my future? anyhow headed off to my new locale. I think you might all like it. Far different from Geneva but special and stunning in it's own way. I'm on the search for foodies, so if you know of any in SW Iowa or surrounding areas, please, don't hesitate to contact me.