My grocery store loves me so very very much. COOOOOP! was giving away free ice cream samples today. Not like those bite sized Migros samples awhile back. Migros wouldn't even let me buy a box of the tiny cones that so reminded me of my beloved Dinky Dippers. They are the exact right size for moderate ice cream consumption. But I digress, COOOOOP! had a small Movenpick stand that was dishing up double scoop waffle cones. I am not the world's biggest Movenpick fan. I like them just fine. But when you are surrounded by so many small shops that make their own ice cream why should I settle for mass produced stuff? I may have just changed my mind though.
I tried a scoop of lemon with elderberry swirls and one of kiwi/goldenkiwi. The lemon elderberry combo was nothing to write home (or even blog) about. But kiwi/goldenkiwi? Wow. Who woulda thunk it? It's citrusy and delicious without being overpowering or too sweet. I don't think I'd sit down with a giant bowl of it though, it is more for mini cones (oh, Dinky Dippers, I miss you! Snif.) and an occassional spoonful as you pass the freezer. Better hurry if you plan to get some though, it is one of their seasonal flavors.
Walking around in a grocery store while eating ice cream, how novel. Reminds me of CeeBee's in good old Naperville. The ice cream counter was the first thing you saw on the way in (and the large pretzel stick they would give you after checking out, the last). I would always cajole a family member into buying me bubble gum ice cream (what was I thinking?) or the peppermint one with shards of candy cane in it.
Yet having the ice cream as breakfast was a bit naughty of me. I am getting together with a friend later today for ice cream by the lake (but who can pass up on free ice cream cones?!) and Jersey owes me one tomorrow. I could say that this is all research for the artisanal ice cream shops in Geneva and that I will be researching and writing up my finds (which I will). More truthful though is the fact that I have become the IceCreamMonster© this summer. Not as blue and fuzzy as a Cookie Monster perhaps, but infinitly cooler.

To be continued.....
I dont believe anyone asked my permission before posting comments about me on this site........
we love you cookie. and you love ice cream. admit it ;)
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